Enter your average income below to estimate applicable
average income is
per week
Salary + Dividends. A combination of a fixed monthly income with a bonus at the end of the year.
Dividends. A single payment made annually out of accumulated profits.
Salary. A fixed monthly income you pay yourself to cover your living expenses.
Sole trader. You're running your business as an individual with an unlimited responsibility
Estimated living cost is £256 per week
Additional information
Andorra has a limit of 1000 sole-trade resident permits per year, so while it isn't complicated to obtain one, it may get difficult by the end of the term.
Source of data for Andorra model
Impost sobre la renda de les persones físiques (Catalan)
Last time retrieved: 2019-09-29T17:42:42Z
Impost sobre les societats (Catalan)
Last time retrieved: 2019-09-29T17:42:42Z
Quotes d'immigració (Catalan)
Last time retrieved: 2019-09-29T18:42:42Z
Social Security Programs Throughout the World: Europe, 2018 - Andorra (English)
Last time retrieved: 2019-09-29T17:42:42Z
Average income in [[ income ]] per [[ prd ]]
Your estimated [[ filt ]] in
[[ place.name ]], [[ place.country ]]
Additional information
[[ source.content ]] ([[ source.language ]])
Last time retrieved: [[ source.date ]]
[[ $tc('message.data_source', {city: place.name}) ]] [[ place.name ]]
[[ source.content ]] ([[ source.language ]])
Last time retrieved: [[ source.date ]]
Additional information
[[ source.content ]] ([[ source.language ]])
Last time retrieved: [[ source.date ]]
[[ $tc('message.data_source', {city: place.name}) ]] [[ place.name ]]
[[ source.content ]] ([[ source.language ]])
Last time retrieved: [[ source.date ]]