Enter your average income below to estimate applicable
Model description
We use four different models to estimate your taxes:
Sole trader. You're running your business as an individual with an unlimited responsibility
Private limited company. You are an owner and a managing director of the company that sells your service.
There are three different ways to pay yourself:
Dividends. A single payment made annually out of accumulated profits.
Salary. A fixed monthly income you pay yourself to cover your living expenses.
Salary + Dividends. A combination of a fixed monthly income with a bonus at the end of the year.
What is it?
Free-cash is the money you will have in your pocket after we deduct all mandatory tax, insurance, pension contributions and living costs from your income. Essentially, free-cash is your disposable income available to spend on a brand new phone, holidays or savings.
Our internal model will estimate your living cost based on a number of assumptions. For instance, we think as a single person you would rent a good one bedroom flat in a city centre, or a two bedroom flat with an office, a little further out, as a couple. We also take into consideration your basic entertainment costs - a couple of beers a week and an occasional taxi.
As a result, you will receive an easy to read model that will allow you to estimate the quality of life based on your income, in a city of your choice.